
We curate and sell unique vintage furniture and home goods for your space. Located in Columbus, Ohio with options for shipping and local pickup and delivery. If you’re interested in having an item shipped, please contact us prior to purchase.


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through trusted companies.

Everything deserves a shot at restoration, honoring the past to create a new future. We’re big fans of simplicity and nature (which is part of the origin story of the shop name – “Lessons of Things”). We curate vintage furniture and home goods that speak to us and enjoy discovering stories behind each piece and making connections with all you wonderful people.

Journey with us on some fantastical furniture restorations, bringing pieces back to their original glory. When all is said and done, we hope you find inspiration for your own home – your own piece of this world. That you can try and do and fail and succeed and it’s all part of a beautiful process that’s unique to you.

-Leigh + Carrie

Have a piece that needs some love?


We also offer refinishing and re-caning services.

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